Make a Mural, Make it Move
It all begins with a passion for art and the possibilities are limitless. I wanted to create a piece that embraced my love for painting murals and somehow connect it to the new digital skills I have learned. I wondered to myself, how could I make 56 feet of fish painted in place wiggle right off the wall and into a whole new world? Well… through a lot of determination. I learned how to use Photoshop, Procreate, Illustrator and After Effects to make this piece come to life. I hope you enjoy it! Music is an instrumental feature from Blue Scholars “Inkwell”
Dissecting a Painting
Check out this timelapse to see how I started to pull the fish apart from one another to be able to live independently from one another.
I matched the brush and spray paint strokes I used to make the original painting by creating brushes similar to the size of the spray paint marks I had made.
I color matched spots of the photo that had blown out the details and color.
Then I brought the piece into Photoshop and segmented the fish so their bodies overlapped one another and I could animate a more realistic swimming motion in After Effects.
Roles: Muralist, Videographer, Mural Designer, Illustrator, Digital Illustrator, Motion Designer
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, After Effects, Premiere
Skills: Mural Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Muralist, Motion Design